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Server: Save Workflow: File not found (validate failure)

7 - Meteor

Upon saving a workflow (successfully run locally) up to the gallery, I have gotten the following message:



This has occurred for me for Dynamic Input tool when a data source used a Input Data Source Template file that no longer exists (e.g., moved folders, changed name, etc.).  To address this, we:

1. Carved out a permanent home for the templates, immune from the temporary nature of "example files", e.g., a folder somewhere away from the data called "Data Source Templates" (and make sure server account can access it)

2. Updated the workflow in any place where a Dynamic Input tool was used, rewiring the Input Data Source Template to the permanent template location.

Now on publish, it works and is safe over time.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @troyfurnace,


Yes, you will receive that message when the Server does recognize a location of an input file or that file has changed locations. Oftentimes we see users place files in a shared location on the network that the Server machine recognizes. 


Also, while saving workflows to the Gallery you can select 'Manage Workflow Assets' and package up your flat files.




7 - Meteor

Thanks, that's very helpful.