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Server 2020.3 Post Migration Intermittent Sign In Issues

8 - Asteroid


My users of Alteryx Gallery 2020.3 on a newly migrated platform, GCVE with Windows 2019 Server are having intermittent sign in issues.  Some of the time, there is no problem signing in and running workflows in any local browser.  There also doesn't seem to be any issue with sign in when Remote Desktom Connection is employed on a server machine browser.

The issue will randomly occur with random users.  Sign in button being pressed just reloads the sign in page.  I have noticed that when this is occuring, one can use an MS Edge Browser , reloaded to run as Internet Explorer, which allows for Gallery Sign in and access to run workflows.


Not sure if this is an unfriendly relationship between the New Server (Windows 2019) and Alteryx 2020.3, or if there is something else that may be happening.  


Thank you,
