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Scheduled gallery workflow converting from "active" to "Completed" automatically

6 - Meteoroid

Hello there,

We have a workflow scheduled to run every 15 minutes - all days a week. It worked fine for about a month or so however recently, it started changing itself from "Active" to "Completed".


I have validate that, there are no server events (patching, monitoring, backup, server reboot, service restarts etc.) contributing to this behavior. To give you more context, this workflow, reads the files local on the server, runs thru analysis, writes into an Oracle  database and then run a stored procedure running on the same oracle database.


Server version is 2021.1




11 - Bolide

That's weird. Have you checked if the "Until" box in the schedule is ticked? There might be a date there that's causing the schedule to "expire".


6 - Meteoroid

I experimented with and without ending date few times. Also, I changed the ownership of the workflow to other user and still same behavior.


6 - Meteoroid

Anyone else? 

8 - Asteroid

I have the same issue, very frustrating!

8 - Asteroid

I have tried to put a check in place which runs API daily and checks for any recently run schedules which are now showing 'State' = Completed and sends me an email with details

this only runs daily which isn't ideal to catch a workflow which is meant to run every 15mins.


i'm not sure but it seems like once the chedule has run a certain number of times it then marks itself as completed even if there is no end date set... need alteryx to sort this - i'm on 2021.3

6 - Meteoroid

@Natsnook: I created new schedules as well and noticed same behavior again and again. We upgraded Alteryx to 2021.3 and still same problem. I will check the periodic monitoring check for this as an alternate.


If there is any moderator, I suggest to take this to Alteryx product expert. Please help.


9 - Comet

As per my observations in my past organization,

This issue occurs when your jobs/schedule is in 'queue to run'/'running' and "AlteryxService.exe" goes into stopping state/is being restarted. This can happen during weekly reboots/backups as well.



- You can write a script to cancel any running or queued jobs before stopping/restarting "AlteryxService.exe".

- This can be done by server admins on Alteryx gallery server.