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Scheduled Workflow on Server gives error while manual run is fine.

5 - Atom

Using Alteryx 2020.2 this issue is not daily sometime it runs perfectly but next day it would throw an error on scheduled server.

While running the same through server or desktop tool it works perfectly. Also if any changes made in workflow part it will give same error while saving as well.

Error SQLDriverConnect: [Simba][DriverSupport] (1030) Failed to decrypt data: Key not valid for use in specified state.

Any suggestion on this ?


5 - Atom

Hey, we are having the same issue when publishing to our company Gallery. Works fine on desktop, but throws error on Gallery. Using Simba Databricks connector.


Did you find a reason or resolution?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@SBUX_Mike   The questions to be answered include

1. Was the workflow exported to the Gallery with encryption, or is the there an encrypted password for the connection driver? 

2. Is there a password in the connection string with a special characters? Some ODBC passwords cause errors when a semicolon is one of the characters.

3. Can you log on to the Alteryx Server machine as this user and run the workflow on Designer ? Do you get the same error message after running it ?

4. Was the data originally encrypted on a different machine with same ID? You can not use different machine, unless you manage somehow to have same user account on both machines, then you can load it. It will work only if you logged with same user as the one you had when encrypting. Please review the following post:

5. Do they have the same driver installed on the server machine? 

Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.