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SQl Server Connection

7 - Meteor

Hi All!


I'm trying to get a clear picture of the security process for Alteryx Gallery and its publishing capabilities to SQL Server.  Does anyone know if its possible to keep the Alteryx security (such as who is able to view/run a workflow in a collection) when publishing to a SQL Server database? This may be something only the DBAs on our project can do but I wanted to reach out and see if anyone has any experience with this or knows of any articles I can look at (I've been having trouble finding documentation on this process.)


We are very security conscious and are looking for the best way to restrict access to certain data views/tables in Sql. We are in the early stages of adapting Alteryx so any other suggestions would be much appreciated as well!


Thank you!

7 - Meteor

Cool use case! Although I don't think Alteryx Server alone supports your use case. Row level security and/or permissions to DB/Tables would need to be set up by your DBA on MS SQL Server.


SQL Server 2016 supports row level security


Then at runtime you would need to make run-as credentials required to run the workflow

7 - Meteor

Thank you these links are very helpful! Do you happen to also know anything about how companies handle security through the Alteryx Service accounts? Again I haven't been able to find too much information on security at a higher level. Thanks!