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Pass input file path in Alteryx Gallery API

7 - Meteor

I am using Alteryx Gallery API (POST /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs) to execute a workflow.
I am passing the file path as value but I keep getting the error -  "The Action \"ToolId:3\" has an error: The file name is empty."


How should the file path be passed so that it is read by API.


Attached image of value that I am passing.



13 - Pulsar


I think you need to first use this endpoint (POST) -  /user/v2/inputfiles/- to publish a temporary file to be used as an input to an Analytic App.




API Documentation:

Implementation Notes
Use a MultiPart/Form-Data request to publish a temporary file to be used as an input to an Analytic App. The name of the required form-data section is inputFile.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="inputFile"; filename={fileName}
Content-Type: {contentType}

Use the fileId returned as an input parameter in an Analytic App.

Response Class