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Need to run multiple workflows at one time but currently can only select one radio button

7 - Meteor

Hi and thanks for any input/help.


I have workflows that all run off of one input file. You can then select one of 2 radio buttons that select different workflows. There is also a single select option that gets applied to the workflows. 


I need to give my users the option to run either one, or both of the workflows that are currently selected by the radio buttons. 


Could I have a third button somehow that runs both workflows? My experience within alteryx designer has mainly been around building the workflows themselves, not the configuration for selecting them.




Hi @tcouey,


I would say this is depending on how you defined the start of a workflow with the radio button.

Normally you would have defined this as an App with all of the execution steps within the same workflow. Based on the Radio Button selection you could active/deactivate several parts of the workflow.


When you want to have multiple selections I would recommend to use Check Boxes instead.


Best regards,
