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Execute Gallery WF from API passing multiple parameters

7 - Meteor

I have an Alteryx WF which accepts two parameters from user.

I want to execute the WF by calling the WF from API (

How can I pass two values as parameters which can be used in the WF?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @MDhaker ,


The endpoint you have to use is this one: /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/

This will include the workflow on the queue, and later you have to use two additional endpoints, one for retrieving the jobID and its current state and another one to download the output, if needed.


The structure of the values to be sent is as follows:

"questions": [
"name": "Text Input (1)",
"value": "Fernando"
"name": "Customer",
"value": "Customer A"


Where name is the tool name and value is the value you wanna send.

The name can be found on the annotation tab of a tool. Feel free to rename it.




Fernando Vizcaino



7 - Meteor

Thank You @fmvizcaino for your quick response. 

That was very helpful.

I was doing a mistake of using 'Enter the text or question to be displayed:' instead of tool name.

Thank You.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I know the feeling @MDhaker .


It took me a while to get this right.

Also, the priority value you see in the gallery APIs example is a number from 1 to 6 based on the QoS.



Fernando Vizcaino