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Error with output tool

8 - Asteroid

Hello, I'm new to the Alteryx Server and I finally got a workflow to upload without any errors to the Server.  However, when I run the flow on the server, I'm getting an error with my output tool.  Its configured to connect to a SQL database table and append the new records to the existing table.  When I run the flow, I'm getting the "Error opening....No Columns Returned" error.  This seems odd to me because It's not returning any columns from this table, it should be appending columns.  Has anyone had this issue before or know what I can do to fix this issue?


thanks so much

14 - Magnetar

Hi @etechman 


There's probably several possibilities, but first thing that I'd investigate is if it's a permission related issue.


If your SQL DB authenticates using Windows Auth, it could be that the server us attempting to establish the connection with a credential (run as account) that does not have permissions to the DB/Table referenced in your connection string.


You can test this by RDP'ing into your Alteryx Server and open your workflow from the copy of Designer installed and see if you get the same error. If it runs fine then it is likely what I mentioned. If it fails then it may be something else, in which case I'd recommend looking at the ODBC driver the server has installed compared to what you have installed on your desktop.


If neither of those seem to explain/resolve the issue, can you share more details?

- Version of Alteryx Server

- Database platform

- ODBC driver name/version installed on the Server

- The connection string configured in the Output tool

- Any other detail that would help understand your unique environment

8 - Asteroid

I was reading another thread ( where I found a workaround to use a Pre SQL Statement in my output tool.  The statement should be Use [Table Name].  I tried this and my flow was successful in running on the Alteryx Server.