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Error when using File Browse Tool on Alteryx Server

7 - Meteor

I am trying to run an analytic app on Alertyx Server.  The app run fine on Designer, but when I try to use the File Browse tool on the server I get the below error message.

Alertyx File Browse Error Message.png


I am able to write files from the server so I don't think it is a permissions issue.  Based on the file path in the error message it appears as thought it is trying to put the file path of the workflow ahead of the name of the actual file.


Any ideas on what could be causing the problem and how to fix it?


6 - Meteoroid

file configuration.PNGWorkflow.PNGThat's weird I had file browse connected to input data, and it still doesn't work.

I was thinking file browse configuration file specification is wrong maybe?

7 - Meteor

Try changing the Update Tool setting from "Update Value" to "Update Input Data Tool".  That is how I have mine configured. 

6 - Meteoroid

thanks for the suggestion, it didn't work, annoyingly it works if I run it in Alteryx designer, but on the Alteryx server (website) it doesn't work. I checked the file location and it doesn't exist on the server. So I'm a little confused on how the file is getting uploaded, if it can't be found, and why does it not affect the running of the app on Alteryx Designer.

5 - Atom

Wondering if any resolution was found to this issue. I am experiencing the same problem. I can get the File Browse tool to work if it is not in a chained app, but when a part of a chain the tool fails with the same error code described by previous posts here. Also, that directory cited does not exist on the Server.

8 - Asteroid

We're experiencing the same problem! We have a file browse and it's suddenly stopped being able to find the uploaded file when it runs in the Gallery (although it works just fine in Debug mode in Designer).  If anyone has any ideas, we're all ears...

6 - Meteoroid

 This issue began for me when our server upgraded to SSL and changed from HTTP to HTTPS. The solution I found to work on this issue was to select "Workflow Options" when saving to the Gallery and navigate to "Manage Workflow Assets". From here you are able to uncheck everything labeled input or output. I assume this removed the need of the server to save the file to the _externals staging area which is why the file path looked messed up in the error. Hope this helps someone.