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Disable Scheduled Jobs in 2022.3

5 - Atom

In 2021.4, we had the option to "Allow machine to run scheduled Alteryx workflows" and could disable it in our sandbox environment so jobs wouldn't be sent out. 


After upgrading to 2022.3, I don't see that option.

What's the best way to disable all scheduled workflows in 2022.3?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hey @jbailey77 
One way to do this in a controlled manner would be to use the v3 API.

There exists a v3 endpoint that allows you to modify schedules, this would include modifying the 'enabled' flag. This provides a safer solution than modifying the MongoDB directly (as I've seen in solutions produced a few years ago), as changes can be verified. 

I'm not currently able to test it, but it should be fairly straight forward utilising the v3 server API macros:

I would suspect you would need to use a SERVER API GET tool to extract all schedules, and use a SERVER API PUT tool to amend each schedule.


Kind Regards,

