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Difference between embedded Mongo database and User-Managed MongoDB, Pros and Cons

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Alteryx colleagues!,


We are setting up all the alteryx sever, but is not clear for us what are the advantages  or disadvantages of select a User-Managed Mongo DB configuration against the standard option. In your experience, is it a good idea to manually mange the MongoDB or is it better to let Alteryx do the work?.


thank you 🙂



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Abe,


It'd depend on your use case. I believe most users end up with embedded, at least in the cases I've seen and assisted with. If something were to go wrong with writing to or managing the MongoDB, in a User-Managed situation we'd only be able to help with ensuring there's communication between the two. Re-indexing or manipulating the data is something we couldn't do, from a support perspective. 


If you have a database admin on staff, you could consult with them on if that's a move you want to make. If you're just doing a single server/gallery set up then embedded will likely be the easiest solution.

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Ian,


Thank you so much for your reply. So basically the Alteryx support will be limited if we choose the "User-Managed" option, right?.  Talking about performance, is it any difference if we follow the "User-Managed" option? Does something change ?,or at the end we will have the same performance ?, I guess the embedded data base is optimized as per Alteryx requirements.


What is your opinion?. 


Thank you.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

unless you've got in the 6 digits of workflows, you probably won't notice a performance difference. I think it's just more if you have a database admin that wants to manage it yourself or have some specific needs as an organization for it to be a distributed set up. 


Most performance changes from my experience come from running the actual workflows vs the storage of them. 

7 - Meteor

Hey Ian, do you know why when I try to save the setting of user managed DB in the system setting while I cannot save the change properly.