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Design a workflow in which every time errors out sleep for 30 mins and try again

7 - Meteor

Hi Everyone, 


I want to design a workflow that every time this workflow error out, it sleeps for 30 mins and try again, if re-try reach 3 times, it send me an email through Event. 


And I want to put this workflow on the Alteryx Server. 


I have researched in the community, it seems there are way to do this through Runner and Conditional Runner with Module from CrewMarco. However, base on my understanding, CrewMacro does not work with Alteryx Server. 


The purpose of this design is to avoid as much human intervention as possible when the workflow runs, even if it errors out. 


Anyone can share some design techniques on how to design this in which I put it onto the Alteryx Server? 


Thanks for your help and suggestions! 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @zzy98y ,


Funny enough, another user asked a very similar question and here is my answer to that.


Best regards,

Fernando Vizcaino

7 - Meteor

Thank you!! This is really helpful!