Alteryx Server Discussions

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Default functionalities of a typical deployment

7 - Meteor



I'm interested to learn more about the deployment of an Alteryx Server environment. The technical whitepaper and specific data sheets provide lots of information, but I am still wondering about:


  1. whether a default (APA) deployment includes the ability to configure a private Gallery
  2. what an additional Connect component offers vs default functionality
    1. based on this data sheet I believe the Server offers the ability to centrally manage data connections. Does a Connect component expand upon this?

It would be helpful to learn more about your experiences!

12 - Quasar



1) Yes, it includes


2) Connect is another product, Connect functionality is:

Key Features and Capabilities
• Asset Catalog — Assemble all your information in one place by collecting
metadata from your information systems
• Business Glossary — Define your standard business terms in a data
dictionary and link them to assets in the catalog
• Data Discovery — Discover the information you need to drive better
business outcomes through powerful search capabilities
• Data Enrichment and Collaboration — Annotate, discuss, and rate
information assets to provide business context and enable your
organization with the most relevant data
• Certification and Trust — Understand the trustworthiness of information
assets through certification, lineage, and versioning


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