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Can Share Data Connection with an Artisan's Studio But Not with the Actual Artisan

7 - Meteor

I have recently been made a Curator/admin of my client's Alteryx Server, and am having trouble sharing a data connection with a particular user. For several data connections, I was able to share with Sahil P. (a premium Artisan) just fine. However, for other data connections, whenever I try to share with that user, I can only share with his private studio.



However, I'm able to share the same data connection with a Viewer



Any thoughts as to why I can't share this data connection with the first user?

14 - Magnetar

Hi @ASMR ,


Judging by the screenshot you provided, in both cases you are actually seeing the user's private studio.  The icon for Ryan (multiple heads) indicates it's a studio rather than a user, so it may just have been named without "Studio" in the title.



The questions remains as to why you can share with studios but not users. I don't have a good answer to that yet, but I hope this helps clarify the issue and might enable someone else to fully solve it for you.

7 - Meteor

Thanks for catching that! You're correct Ryan too is the studio, not the user