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Authentication Issue Connecting to SharePoint 365 on Server Only

7 - Meteor

I'm having an issue with SharePoint Input tool that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I know there is a lot of similar posts but couldn't find one that addresses my issue after reading a couple of dozen posts. The details are below of the issue and what I've tried but I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if I can still use "Browser Sign In as User" custom app option or do I need to continue to work with IT to get "App Sign In" option working?  (which hindsight being 20/20 may have been a far more efficient method at this point).


In the past year, we purchased Alteryx Server and we are preparing to upgrade to SharePoint 365.  I'm trying to setup a scheduled workflow that reads data from a SharePoint list and saves it to a SQL Server database.  I have the latest version of the SharePoint Input tool installed on both my laptop and on the server.  As there server uses different credentials than mine, I made sure that it was installed on server for all users. The workflow runs fine on my laptop in Designer and saves successfully to server but when I try to run it on server, I get the error message, "Failed to authenticate."


We were planning on using "App Sign In (Use Service Principal)" to connect but we didn't have OpenSSL installed on our machine to get the last piece of information we needed (and neither did the IT team that was helping me) so we decided to try using "Browser sign In as User (OAuth)" but using custom app. When I click Connect on the SharePoint Input tool, I'm still forced me to authenticate with my credentials at


I'm assuming the issue is that I RDP onto server with separate credentials (admin credentials) and the server is running with another set of credentials (service account).  So whether I try running through Designer on the server or using the Gallery, I'm getting the same error message. I did try (although knew not a solution) was to open workflow in Designer on Server and try authenticating with my personal credentials, which worked fine on my laptop.  Nope...  I get another error message, "AADSTS700016: Application with identifier <long hexadecimal string> was not found in the directory <company name>, This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant."


My last attempt was to try to set workflow to run on gallery with my personal credentials rather than the default run as account. It saved to server but still received the authentication error in gallery. 


Thanks in advance for your help,








15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



In our company, we share credential for Sharepoint tool by DCM on server. DCM is a way for secure credential sharing. 

You can take your time for understanding DCM concept, and utilize it for keeping it secured.