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Alteryx Server is not giving output of a constant tab of output sheet

8 - Asteroid

Hi There,


I have an alteryx workflow which needs to be saved on alteryx server. The output of this workflow is excel sheet which has 3 tabs when i run the workflow on desktop it updates all the 3 tabs but when i run the same workflow in gallery/server its not giving me tab 1


. The output which i am not getting is the tab 1(Dashboard) which is in a specific format and needs to override the counts whatever data comes in tab 2(inbound) and tab 3 (outbound) Please let me know why i am not getting tab 1 output when i run the alteryx in gallery/server.


Dashboard .png

8 - Asteroid

Gonna need more information to help you with your problem.

8 - Asteroid

@jNunez  you can ignore the formula errors and all. What i need is dashboard tab be flown when i run the workflow through gallery.

As of now i am getting only 2 tab as a output from gallery which are inbound and outbound.