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Alteryx Gallery Change Published Version Unsuccessful


Hi guys, 


We published a new workflow to the company Alteryx Gallery, but it breaks in snowflake, so we had to mark a previous version workflow as published version. 


However when we are running the workflow, it continue to run the latest version which is the broken one. Does anyone experience the same issue and how did you solve it?


Cheers guys. 




Where are you running the workflow from please? From your private studio?


Yes we ran it from the Private Studio as well as Collections. 


Hi, You may use the "Replace Workflow" option in the Gallery to replace the broken workflow with the desired one. Alternatively, take a backup of the broken workflow at the local, delete the existing server copy and upload it with a new name.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @C_Liang ,


Without confirming, I can't guarantee that this is the reason, but I have some level of confidence...


When you make a previous version the published version, anyone else that runs that workflow will run the version that is now published, however the owner of the workflow will execute the most recent workflow. The theory being that the owner of the workflow would want to keep developing on the latest version.


So, say you have a Workflow owned by Tom with 6 versions. Tom goes and makes v4 the published version.


When Judy comes in and tries to execute that workflow, v4 will execute but if Tom tries to execute the workflow, then v6 will execute.


Got you, thanks so much Kane