Alteryx | Hangout

Hangout with Alteryx experts: Livestreams, AMAs, previews...

Alteryx | Hangout: Let's Talk 10.0, Tableau and Microsoft!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

There has been a ton of buzz, excitement and questions around all of the new announcements we’ve made over the last few months: announcements such as the release of Alteryx Analytics 10.0, our new integration with Microsoft Power BI, and our new visualization tool kit that will be available at the upcoming Tableau conference. In the spirit of community and connecting analytic experts, we’re hosting our very first Alteryx | Hangout to give you the chance to get up close and personal with our VP’s of Products, Content, and Development, and some amazing Alteryx ACE’s.

This Hangout occured on Thursday October 15th at 2:00pm ET and has now ended. But fear not, you can watch it again on demand by clicking the video player below!



    • Laura Sellers - VP, Product Management
    • Amy Holland - VP, Content & Applications
    • David Duncan, VP, Product Development 
    • Brian Dirking, Director, Product Marketing
    • Tara McCoy - Sr. Community Content Manager
    • Julie Hamel - Sr. Community Manager
    • Ken Black, Senior Analytics Researcher, General Motors
    • Joe Mako, Director of Visual Analytics, Rosenblatt Securities
    • Michael Renwick, Analyst Developer, Schroders
Got questions for our panelists? Whether it’s a question about 10.0, Alteryx in general, if you’re looking for tips & tricks, or even if you just want to say hi, we'd love to hear from you!  
Ask us anything via the comments below or tweet us during the event @Alteryx using the hashtag #AlteryxHangout
5 - Atom

Will there be functionality for conditional joins at some point?  For example, we are trying to join on a value that is effective between a range of dates with the date of a transaction?

12 - Quasar
Here's an example of the 'Windowing' functions I'm taking about. You already do it locally with tools like your multi row formula, but having it In-DB would let my cluster do more of the work: Example in PostgreSQL: Ex. in Teradata:
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thank you all for joining us today and sending questions & suggestions our way! Here are links to some of the content references that were made during the event, for your convenience:


We hope you enjoyed our first Alteryx Hangout :) We look forward to hearing who else you would like to hear from and what topics you'd like us to cover next!