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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Converting values from scientific (E) notation
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How do I remove leading zeros from a field? Use the Formula Tool and the TrimLeft() function to remove leading zeros!
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Is it possible to add a comment to an expression used in a Filter or Formula?
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Creating Dates from Excel Date Formatted as Number
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This article reviews the usage and common pitfalls of floating point numbers.
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My journey with Regular Expressions (RegEx) started because I was lazy. In advanced use, being lazy or greedy is all part of the RegEx experience.
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Troubleshooting the error: An expression must be specified.
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Creating a new date field based on a formula
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Tableau Function Translation Guide
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How To Find The Last Day Of Any Month In Alteryx
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There are a handful of ways to search for a particular string within a data field.  If you want to perform a query, identifying records with a particular string field within a data field: Use the Filter tool: the result will be two streams - those records that meet your filter criteria and those that do not. On the Functions Tab, expand the string tree and select FINDSTRING(String, Target) Replace the `String` parameter with the field name Replace the `Target` parameter with the value you are looking to identify Finish the expression with !=-1 which will separate the true values from the false ones. Example - If you are trying to identify all of the customers with Joe in a data field [Name] : FINDSTRING([Name], "Joe")!=-1 The records that meet this criteria will be output from the True anchor ([Name] contains the value "Joe"). All other records will be output from the False anchor. This function can also be used in the Formula tool; if for example you want to populate a different data column based on the [Name] field, you can use the FINDSTRING in an IF statement.  Example: You would like to classify your data in a new field based on the instance of customers with Joe in a data field [Name] :   IF (FINDSTRING([Name], "Joe") != -1) THEN "JOE Customer" ELSE "Other" ENDIF   This will populate a new data field with "JOE Customer" if the field "Name" contains "Joe" otherwise it will populate that field with the value "Other" In the Formula tool, add a new field by selecting + Add Column, or choose an existing field to update. Make sure the appropriate Field Type and Size is also specified On the Functions Tab, expand the Conditional Tree and select IF c THEN t ELSE f ENDIF On the Functions Tab, expand the String tree and select FINDSTRING(String, Target) to replace c Replace `String` with the field name Replace `Target` with the string you are looking to identify Finish this part of the expression with !=-1 which will separate the true values from the false ones Replace "t" with the desired value to populate the new field if the condition is met: "JOE Customer" Replace "f" with the desired value to populate the new field if the condition is not met: "Other"
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How do I get from a date like this...MM/DD/ where I have the day integer, the month name, and the year in three different columns?
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how to reference other cells when creating formulas in excel
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If you're using the Formula Tool in v11.0+, be sure to familiarize yourself with the tool's interface redesign!
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This article features a workflow that will allow you to search for keywords within a column of text strings.
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Boolean versus Positional Results
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If I have a list of dates, how can I find the date of the next Monday for each date?
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Sometimes, a dataset will contain numbers stored as text. I order to do calculations using those numbers, the datatype will need to be converrted to a numeric data type. If the data is clean, changing the data type in a select tool can do the trick. Another option is to use the TONUMBER() function in a formula tool or multi field formula tool (if you have more than one field to convert). 
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How do I pass a parameter/constant in a workflow?
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