Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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TCPE-19: Search function in the Results window in Alteryx Designer fails if the Column name(s) contains brackets


Environment Details


If a column name contains brackets, the search function in the results panel would fail with the following error:

Your results grid interaction could not be completed. Run the workflow and try the interaction again. Click OK to send the development team the error log so that we can fix this error in a subsequent release.
  • Alteryx Designer
    • Version 2021.2 and 2021.3


One or more column names may have brackets in them.




Solution A

The easiest and simplest way to work around this issue without much change to the workflow is to:

  1. Add a Select tool after the tool used to pull the data from a data source.
  2. Select the column name with brackets.
  3. Rename the column name without the brackets in it.
  4. Save the workflow.
  5. Click run or Ctrl + R.
  6. Try to search again and this time, it would not give you any errors anymore.

Solution B

Other tools that can be used are:
  1. Filter tool
  2. Formula tool (using Replace)

Solution C

Manual method:

  1. Manually change the column name from the data source.

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