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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Summarize tool doesn't perform Mode using AMP

The Summarize tool returns NULL when performing a Mode operation. This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere in Alteryx documentation nor the community. Please fix this behaviour.



Can I ask what version you are on? 

I just tried using Mode on the Summarize one tool example in Designer and it seems to work with and without AMP for 2022.1 and our Dev build for the 2022.3 Release. 

Unless there is maybe something specific to your data. Could you see if you can reproduce using the Summarize one tool example and changing the first Summarize tool to use the Mode action? 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
Status changed to: Implemented

This is already supported with AMP. I talked with the poster and they confirmed that it works for them now.