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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Sort columns dynamically with the select tool

Problem: In certain workflows, it becomes necessary to arrange columns in a specific order for the output. While achieving the desired order for a fixed number of columns is feasible using the select tool, difficulties arise when dealing with dynamic outputs that introduce new columns during each workflow run.


Example: Consider the following scenario: the INPUT data for the select tool includes a set of Question/Answer columns. However, with every run of the workflow, new columns of this type are introduced. The challenge is to ensure that Question N and Answer N columns are grouped together in the OUTPUT dynamically. Unfortunately, this task is not easily accomplished using the current capabilities of Alteryx.



CompanyQuestion 1Question 2Question 3Answer 1Answer 2Answer 3



CompanyQuestion 1Answer 1Question 2Answer 2Question 3Answer 3



With Python/Pandas, this problem can be easily resolved by assigning index values to each column and then sorting the columns based on the assigned index:




So, based on the Python solution, if Alteryx could do the same, it would be great. I personally think that if the Dynamic Rename tool could held the Index Info, and the select tool could also held the Sort option, this would work.



Dynamic Rename: Already can hold Description info, could hold Index Info.



Select tool: Could sort by index and hold this info when the workflow is saved.



Hope this all make sense.



5 - Atom

I do not see Sort on Index option at all

16 - Nebula

Hi @spatiha 


I made this image with microsoft paint to represent the idea, sorry if this was not clear.