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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add support of .xlsb file format as input file type

Many files I use are in .xlsb format. 

8 - Asteroid

AWESOME!  I cannot wait. 

9 - Comet

Any update on the ETA for this ?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@rohan_tibarewala 2018.1 shipped yesterday with xlsb support. You can download it from The release notes are here.

5 - Atom

@patrick_digan  I just tried to open a XLSB file without success. 


What connector is to be used as part of the "input data"?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

This was part of the 18.1 release.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@matthewgriset xlsb should be an option in the dropdown for the input data tool.




If it's not there, you likely need the Access Database 2010 Engine: You'll want to install the version compatible with your office installation, which is generally x86.



7 - Meteor

I can't find this in the drop down either. I believe that I have the right add on because I see .accdb in my list. @AlexP mentioned that it was released in 18.1, but my version is



Edit: In case anyone else runs into this... I reached out to AlexP and she said that I needed to install 2018.1 version. Alteryx didn't let me know of the new version like it usually does, and even checking for updated through the application mentioned that I was up to date.


Here are the release notes and download portal:






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


8 - Asteroid

We have many cases where XLSB is required as an input. We use macro on Designer Desktop, but it does not work in Gallery.