The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add a connector to sharepoint files

We store valuable data in our MS Teams sites (which are sharepoint folders behind the scenes). Currently, there is no way to connect to sharepoint directly (only if I sync sharepoint to my local drive, which is problematic and doesn't work on Alteryx server).


My recommendation is to have a sharepoint connector which works on both the desktop and server.



3 Comentários
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for the feedback and idea!


We appreciate all the input on how we can improve our connectors and in-db connections. I noticed you're new to the idea boards (welcome!) so if you haven't yet be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines as they include information about how our process works after an idea is submitted to the boards.

Status alterado para: Accepted

Hi @harterjaywr ,


I would love to see Alteryx having SharePoint Files connector as well, so stay tunes as I have a feeling that it will come in the near future. 



Status alterado para: Implemented

Hi, the Sharepoint Files connectors has been released into Gallery. The current version supports only Sharepoint 365, but we're about to release new version with On-Prem support as well into Beta testing. If you'd like to participate, please sign-up using this link