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updating find and replace tool with list box

6 - Meteoroid

Is it possible to update the 'Find Within Field' value in the Find and Replace tool with fields selected in a list tool? When searching the community I see examples for the filter tool and formula tools, but not the Find and Replace tool.


I receive fields that contain foreign characters in different columns. Using the find and replace tool I am able to replace those characters with their corresponding Latin characters. An example of how I do this is attached.  


I would like to be able to turn this into a macro that I could select the columns from a list that should have those characters replaced. 


I am a novice when it comes to using the list box tool and action tools. I've tried a couple of different configurations but with no success. Any ideas are appreciated.





20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Instead of we are going after each column one a time, the better way is to bring all the columns to one column, right?

Combination of Transpose and Cross Tab is exactly for this purpose.


6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for your suggestion. I was able to turn it into a macro with a few improvements. Your original solution changes the field types and sizes to the value set in the cross tab, and I need them to be in the original types and sizes. I also included a step that if there are still non-ascii characters other than the ones I convert to their Latin equivalent, I remove them.


The files I get are sometimes very large, both in the number of records (100's of millions) and the number of columns (2000+). I don't want to put every record and every column through the routine to replace the characters. So I pull just those records that have non-ascii characters in only the fields that I want to fix, hopefully cutting down on the fields that get processed.


The only problem I have now is when I bring the macro into the workflow and then put a select tool (or any tool) after it, the fields that are going into the macro are not populated for me to select. I have to run the workflow first for the select tool to show the columns. 


Before running workflow:




After running workflow:



I'm looking for it to work similar to how the Data Cleansing tool works, when a tool is placed after it, the columns going into the tool and available right away.


I'll attach my sample workflows and macros.







