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summary output based on criteria for multiple columns


see attached input data and output i am looking for based on the data in the columns


To achieve the desired output in Alteryx, you can follow these steps:


  1. Input Data: Load your input data into Alteryx. Use the "Input Data" tool to bring in your data.

  2. Data Cleansing:

    • Use the "Data Cleansing" tool to clean up any missing or inconsistent data.
    • Convert 'None adjusted' to 0 in the 'amount adjusted in past 6 months' and 'amount adjusted in prior month' columns.
  3. Formula Tool:

    • Add a "Formula" tool to create a new column called 'Summary' using the following expression:
      If [amount adjusted in past 6 months] = 0 Then "This teammate has not had any orders at risk in the past 6 months" Else "This teammate has adjusted $" + ToText([amount adjusted in past 6 months]) + " in the past 6 months, $" + ToText([amount adjusted in prior month]) + " which was adjusted from the prior month."
  4. Select Tool: Use the "Select" tool to reorder the columns as needed.

  5. Output Data: Use the "Output Data" tool to save the results.
