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string variable switched type -Filter tool error

8 - Asteroid

Hi , 


I have facing issue with string variable switched type error in filter tool . It was working fine in stage environment when it comes to production facing issue . Added the screenshot . need help on this 

11 - Bolide

Can you try adding the function toString() around your fields? Ex: Contains(toString([labels]), "GASPWR") or etc.

If you have additional conditional fields that are not [labels], try adding toString() around those fields as well. Hope that helps!

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir  trying ...

18 - Pollux

So you may wan tot think about why you are getting this message. That's usually one of two reasons:

1) the normal - your schema is different for the file you are looking at vs your standard file. This is because the data is sourced differently or something upstream has changed.

2) your field is blank. A blank field is read at the least memory intensive datatype (ie byte/ie numeric). 


if you hit this problem on a regular basis - I'd recommend force formatting your fields to string using a multi-field formula. Important - it must be set for ALL types in the field selector - vs text or numeric.

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir i tried running after adding the function you have mentioned below . but still facing the same error.

8 - Asteroid

@apathetichell  Could you please suggest where we need to add multi field formula tool since the error is occuring in filter tool .

18 - Pollux

What is your select tool doing? assuming your select tool isn't changing field type - you can place it after or before your select tool. if your select tool is changing field types - use it in lieu of your select tool.


some of this issue might be whatever is coming out of your macro. like it could be formatted differently. - or any api issues prior to your json parse. If it's an error return (say if the error message returned is in xml vs json) - this can create issues.

8 - Asteroid

@apathetichell  just came to know that api key was blank updated the macro and running the workflow now.
