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"Test" Tool

9 - Comet



I am interested in using the "Test" tool to stop workflows from running successfully when certain conditions are not met


For example - see attached. If any records are 'False' in the Filter tool, I would like the workflow to stop running.


The workflow does run with an error but only after the Output Data tool has finished.


How would I stop the workflow before the output data tool starts doing its thing? 





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @mb1824 


Do you really have to use Test Tool on it?


I found a way (not the fanciest, but it does work) to stop this workflow if the count does not match.


You can configure Message tool to throw an error and stop passing records through it. 


Stop Workflow.PNG



9 - Comet

Thanks very much, that will work for me

9 - Comet

I found another way, as below and attached.


Add a dynamic rename after the 'False' path to take field names from first row of data


Then union that together with the 'true' path, and config union to stop processing records when fields differ


The top workflow stops at the union tool


The bottom one runs to completion.


Alteryx_test tool2.JPG

7 - Meteor

Its not working the column names are still coming with it . I want such that the update is stopped fully.
