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"Error: Output Data (28): DataWrap2OleDb::SendBatch: Unknown error" Sudden Issue?

8 - Asteroid

Hello, there is an Alteryx flow that I have been running once a week for the last 4 months with no issues. All of a sudden last week and today, I have been getting the following error message


Error: Output Data (28): DataWrap2OleDb::SendBatch: Unknown error
Insert into `Historical`(`Signal`,` Project Number`,`HP SRR Number`,`Suffix`,`Project Manager`,`Reportable`,`Phase`,`Project Status`,`Actual Start Date`,`Actual Kick Off Date`,`Run Date`,` On Hold Date`,` Off Hold Date`,` Days On Hold`,`F15`,`F16`,`SRR Lookup`) Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)


I have looked at several similar questions online but none were of any help. Could someone please tell me what the issue might be?

13 - Pulsar

Hi @shaheer,

I would double and triple check that the datatypes and sizes of your Alteryx fields match / don't exceed those in the database you're inserting into. Maybe a string in new data has exceeded the size allowed in your database?

8 - Asteroid

I checked and there were no outstanding cell lengths/incorrect data types as compared to files that were sent in the past. so so stumped by this issue.

5 - Atom



Did you find a solution to this issue? I am also getting the same error message from my workflow. All my field data types and lengths are in sync with the target database.


