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"A macro with that filename already exists" even though I am changing the filename

6 - Meteoroid

How does Alteryx Designer identify a unique filename?


I am trying to save an updated version of a macro I built and am getting an error message that the filename already exists.


I realized that I needed to update my macro. I'd like to keep a working version of the current version of the macro to ensure I can test compatibility with the new version on all dependent workflows as well as for traceability back to what it did in the current version.


The current version of my macro (let's call it Do_Awesome_Stuff_v1.yxmc) does several things. I'm ready to release the new version; when I try to save a new version of the macro (Do_Awesome_Stuff_v2.yxmc), I receive an error that



> A macro with that filename already exists. Please rename your file to something different.




My confusion is that the filenames ARE different: _v1.yxmc and _v2.yxmc. I can save it as "Do_Awesome_Stuff_test.yxmc", so it doesn't seem to be a filepath length issue. I'm lost in terms of what's causing the issue and how I can fix it with a long-term solution.


Any help on how Alteryx identifies what constitutes a unique filename is greatly appreciated so I can define a new naming convention for my macros and avoid this issue going forward!



Thanks in advance 😀

13 - Pulsar



please explain this situation better.
Where are you saving the macro?
is it in the local designer or are you recording on the server?

14 - Magnetar

Are you saving the macro using a custom name vs. the file name (Workflow Configuration > Meta Info)? If so, that could be the reason why you're seeing that message if you're saving that macro in a folder that you've set as a macro repository.


If this is the case, you can save it using the file name or alter the "Custom" name so it doesn't conflict. Alternatively, you can use the Tool Versioning feature. See "Tool Setting" sub-topic in link below

6 - Meteoroid



The error occurs when saving to a local shared folder in Designer.


I had previously saved the macro to a personal folder, which is available as a macro repository for me for development purposes. The error occurred when I attempted to save the macro to a shared folder, which I've also made available as a macro repository for long-term team-sharing purposes.


I think I stumbled across the fix. It appears that Alteryx doesn't like the duplication of names across different macro repositories (e.g., if repository 1 has "Do_Awesome_Stuff_v2.yxmc" then Alteryx will not let you save "Do_Awesome_Stuff_v2.yxmc" to repository 2). Is that correct?


If I'm right, then I can build in development as "test-[macro name]_v2" and then save to the long-term folder without the "test-" prefix.





Thanks for the suggestion about Tool Versioning! I didn't know about that! I'm going to check that out as a better way of building enhancements as it *may* be an easier way to transition to new versions. I had previously been manually removing and replacing old versions with new ones.

14 - Magnetar

correct. macros found in ANY macro repo configured on your machine must have a unique name that's used to display on your tool palette. So changing it to use the file name or custom name that does not conflict with another tool should work fine.


Or don't add it into any of your macro repo's and just test it out by manually adding it to your workflow (Insert > Macro).



13 - Pulsar



are you configuring the users settings macro in the option to catalog the macros?

6 - Meteoroid



I have both repositories configured and available as tool palettes, if that's what you're asking. If you're asking about something else, then I'm going to say no because I don't know what that would be.

13 - Pulsar



and this is exactly what I said.
and you cannot rename it via Windows, the workflow has to be saved by Aleryx Designer.
Internally, the xml is the name of the workflow and if you externally rename it, it will still have the same name.

And even if they are in different folders for Alteryx, there can only be one Worflow with the name

13 - Pulsar



An example if I have these two addresses in my user settitngs and in the address C: to build a macro and save it and if I want to save it in the address F: it is not allowed,
for alteryx he understands that it is one place.
This must be what must be happening the 2 addresses are cataloged in your user settings macro


Example of 2 cataloged folders:
Alteryx manages this folder and there can only be 1 macro name either on one side or the other



