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Working with a meta data template

11 - Bolide


I'm creating a small workflow, it's ment to first validate if only coloumns that fits into our standard is there..

And afterwards apply field type and size from a template file.


In my sample data I have this one coloumn (ServiceNamePurchase):


This is also in my template file:


But it does not get transformed?


What am I missing?

Thanks in advance, 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@Hamder83 ,


I've NOT opened your yxzp.  Thank you for supplying it.  But I wanted to explain an approach to this topic.  It might help:


If you learn about the DYNAMIC INPUT tool, you can set a template set of data (expected form of data) and feed the FULL PATH of the data to it.   The dynamic input will fail if the incoming data is missing columns or if the types of data have changed.


Within a SELECT tool, you can SAVE and LOAD the "reformats" of field data types.  So once you've set the proper field types (yxft) you can have a SELECT tool read the formats/renames and it will take action on your data.


At least, this is one approach to honoring your metadata needs.





Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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11 - Bolide

Hi @MarqueeCrew 

Thanks for your reply

I get data for 50-100 different carriers, and I transform this into a standard. The amount of data varies from carrier to carrier, but the can be a max of 57 coloumns. But less is accepted too.
I primarely do this, to filter out any manual coloumns or stuff added that should have been removed.

I will tho have a look at the dynamic input, but I dont think its the rigtht solution in this case.

I just tried making a select output field type and size. But then I would have to do this for every flow? I cant generate a standard file and use across selects?
Or am I again missing something?

I just tried to make the output from my template file, and load into a select having some of the fields and it ended like this:


Am I drunk, or?

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@Hamder83 ,


I'll pm you a zoom link

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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