Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Workflow Change/Update Processing - Auto vs. Manual Refresh

8 - Asteroid

I'll try to communicate this question as best as I can.


During development of a workflow, I notice that slight configurations to tools in the workflow sometimes lead to the Alteryx wheel (Where Alteryx is processing something...) which tends to slow down development pretty significantly sometimes. Especially when I'm making several micro changes. One example, updating directory file paths on the 'Directory' tool or the 'Input Data' tool. While I am aware of the Options -> Advanced Options -> Workflow Dependencies feature, I only mean to represent this as an example. Configurations to other tools may also cause the persistent Alteryx Wheel to arise.


Anyways, the question: Is there a way to configure the designer to allow me control over these refreshes. Rather than them automatically occurring after each tool configuration I perform, I would prefer to make a batch of edits and then manually refresh them.


The feature I am discussing here would best be compared to Excels Formulas -> Calculation Options -> Manual


Thank you in advance for your help. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @PeteLacz ,


You can change this in your User Settings: click on Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings > Advanced Tab, check "Disable Auto Configure".

You can now manually refresh by pressing F5. See here:


Please mark this as the solution if it answers your question, it will help others to find solutions quicker.

Kind Regards,
Solutions Engineer - Alteryx
