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Workflow App changes data type

7 - Meteor

I have a workflow that was working just fine for months, and then it started changing the data type on one of the fields. I have a select tool set to change it, but it should be the default anyways as the input data isn't a numerical amount anyways. The other strange thing is that the error is occurring on the second "contains" it passes right by the first one. Why would this be happening and how can I best fix it?


PS I just tested and it doesn't have the same issues if I format the data as a table before input. I'm not sure why that should matter.



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @KyleF 


There is 2 files used you have provided only one file can you please provide both input file so that we can run the workflow and check




Happy to help : )


7 - Meteor

Thanks. I just edited and added it to my original message.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @KyleF 


If you have a workflow that works successfully for a while and then stops, you have to look at what has changed.  In your case, it's probably a subtle change in the input files. 


When Alteryx reads from Excel, it uses the data in the rows to set the data type for the field.  In previous input files, there was probably a space or other character in the [EST LIFE] column in the spreadsheet which caused Alteryx to treat the entire column as a text column, so the Contains function worked properly.  In the current file, all the values in [EST LIFE] are numeric(or null), so the type is set to Double causing Contains to throw the error.




