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Will the Alteryx Python library support newer versions of NumPy?

11 - Bolide

I want to install some data science related Python libraries, but they require me to update SciKitLearn and NumPy, but when i do that, i lose compatibility with the Alteryx package.. Is this going to be fixed?


According to this page, the only solution offered is "don't upgrade NumPy"

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can make a custom app with Python that calls a specific version of NumPy I believe. But I’m not entirely sure.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
13 - Pulsar

There are a few Ideas posted to allow for Virtual Environments.  Here is one:


I think are others as well.  If they get enough likes maybe Alteryx will add this capability.



5 - Atom

I ended up writing a small python script to fix the underlying script that does the conversion from numpy to alteryx:


file_path = "C:/Program Files/Alteryx/bin/Miniconda3/envs/DesignerBaseTools_vEnv/Lib/site-packages/ayx/"
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
py_file =

print("File Read in")

# replace numpy.bool
py_file = py_file.replace("numpy.bool", "bool")

print("String Replaced")

# write back to file
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:

print("File written back")


Usually on an Ayx Server install you can use D:/apps/ instead of Program Files directory. Honestly all Ayx has to do is update their github repo and publish a new version with this fix and it should continue to work with all future versions of numpy
