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Vlookup using a single table

5 - Atom

I have a big list of data that I need to parse through. All of my data is currently in one data table. I was able to get the logic to work in excel for vlookup but am having trouble translating into Alteryx. I have posted a sample of the data below. The general rule is, if the Level 2 value is anywhere in Level 3, take the corresponding L2 value (parent) of that L3 and replace it with the current. 

For example 

Level 2, 111111111 is found in Level 3 (111111111, Company C). I would then like to replace that Level 2 value with the PARENT of the found Level 3. In this case, it would be replaced by 444444444, Company D. So in short, Level 2, 111111111/Company C becomes 444444444/Company D


Level 2Level 2 NameLevel 3Level 3 Name
222222222Company E999999999Company M
333333333Company B10101010Company N
333333333Company B20202020Company L
111111111Company C30303030Company O
111111111Company C40404040Company K
444444444Company D111111111Company C
444444444Company D111111111Company C
555555555Company F555555555Company F
666666666Company G50505050Company J
666666666Company G50505050Company J
777777777Company H777777777Company H
111111111Company C60606060Company A
111111111Company C60606060Company A
888888888Company I70707070Company A
888888888Company I70707070Company A
333333333Company B80808080Company B
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @adesai0730 ,


I'm not sure what you want to see, but this functionality is achieved by using the join tool.

Remember, the join tool is better than a vlookup as it will return all matches not only the first value.




I hope this helps,




5 - Atom


Thank you! This is what I was looking for. What would be the best way to append that data now? Specifically just the parent and parent name
