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Using RegEx Tool (Tokenize) Text String Containing Special Characters

6 - Meteoroid

Good morning community,


I am having the hardest time writing an expression in RegEx to split a text string into three separate columns. The default format on the text string is Employee:  LastName, FirstName (123456)

I'd like to drop the "Employee: " piece of the string and parse the remaining into 3 columns- Last Name, First Name & Employee ID.


I was able to parse out the employee ID into a separate field by escaping out the parentheses but I can't seem come up with a complete expression that will accomplish all three steps at once. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



You can manage this through the regex tool, but I'm going to show you how to do it in a formula.  Let's define 3 new string variables (Last_Name, First_Name and Employee_ID) and here are the formulas to try:



The first formula looks for anything up to the first SPACE and then grabs everything until the first COMMA.  That is GROUP #1.  It then puts GROUP 1 as the output.

The second formula looks for anything up to the first COMMA followed by a SPACE and then grabs everything until the first SPACE followed by an OPEN PARENS.  That is GROUP #1 for the second formula output.

The third formula looks for anything up to the first OPEN PARENS and then grabs everything up to the last CLOSE PARENS.



Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

This is fairly simple.

I would actually put your regex tool in 'Parse' mode. You then specify your new columns with brackets.

Your regex statement would then look something like.

Employee: ([[:alpha:]]+), ([[:alpha:]]+) \((\d+)\)

In the output settings in the lower part of the configuration panel you can then name each of your 'groups' or new columns accordingly.


