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Using List Box to select cost data input within my workflow

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to use a list box to select the appropriate cost data to continue with in my workflow. 


The issue is within the action step of the workflow as it is not replacing the Cost Data column input with the selected cost data. I am not sure what I have written incorrectly and have tried various things however 2022 costs are always populating the  Cost Data column regardless of the user selection from the list box. 


I have stripped out my workflow to just these elements. 


Any ideas on how to solve?



18 - Pollux

So  a few things - 1) Your action tool is configured to change Formula. That is incorrect. Expand that so your action tool is configure to change it to replace the @expression-value. Next - change it so it only replaces the specific string 2022 - using the box on the bottom. You are doing this so that you only replace 2022 - not [2022].

2) Your interface tool selection is off - listbox generates multiple selections. Swap that to a dropdown. A listbox will not generate a numeric value to replace 2022. A dropdown will.




12 - Quasar

Hello, @Debbie_W.


Please see the attached workflow for a solution.



6 - Meteoroid

Thanks, this worked perfectly !
