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Using Formula on different excel tabs in Alteryx

5 - Atom

Hi All,

I have consolidated 16 Excel files in one workbook, each in 16 different tabs basis a condition. Now I wish to apply the same formula on all these excel tabs, that is, group by a code value and sum the values in a corresponding column.

I can't apply the group by formula before making different tabs because each tab might have the same code basis which the grouping needs to be done with different values in the corresponding column, thus resulting in a different sum for the same code. 

If someone can guide me on how to do this?

Thanks! 🙂

11 - Bolide

It will be easy to understand your ask If you share the sample data for the same.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @Nikita912 ,


if I got you right (as @binay2448  already mentioned, sample data would be really helpful), you need a field to group on after loading data to Alteryx. 


The Input Data tool has the option  "Output Filename as a Field". If you select "Full Path", an additional field [FileName] will be created providing the name of you Excel workbook including the path and the name of the sheet (= tab in Excel). Maybe you can use the to group your data.


Hope this is helpful, let me know if this works for you.





5 - Atom

Sorry, but the data is confidential so I can't share it here but I'll try to create a sample or something and upload
