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Uploading multiple files to SFTP

7 - Meteor



I am generating multiple .csv files in a workflow and I want to push each individual file to a SFTP server. How would I go about doing this? 



I need to be able to convert each file output to a blob and then push it to the server. How can I loop through each row to do this?





9 - Comet

Hi @daraghwalker you shouldn't need to, as long as you configure the download tool to PUT you can feed in the 1+ rows containing the blobs and it'll process each row through the tool itself, passing the blobs up to the sFTP.

7 - Meteor

Thanks @Matt_D . 


I am writing the data to separate files based on the field 'Control'. For example, I have 100 cells in my output. 1/3 are Control A, 1/3 Control B, and 1/3 Control C. This produces 3 output files - ControlA_Output, ControlB_Output, ControlC_Output.


How do I convert these to blobs? Do I have to concatenate all the values to one column to convert to a blob?


Thanks for the response

9 - Comet

Hi @daraghwalker in it's simplest form, something like this! My FTP info is garbage but it should give you the idea hopefully. 🙂



This KB article may help too?


7 - Meteor

Thanks @Matt_D . I ended up getting it working in the end.


But now I'm getting the following error:  Download (120) Error transferring data: Error in the SSH layer


I have a total of 51 files, and only 40-45 get uploaded to the SFTP.

9 - Comet

Hi @daraghwalker how long is it taking to get to this point? I'm thinking 1 of 2 things (but I'm not an expert). Either a timeout issue (default timeout in the Download Tool is 600 seconds) or the path you're trying to pass the files to does not exist on the sFTP side.


Is there anything different about the location you're trying to pass file 46 to or are they all the same?





7 - Meteor

The folder is the same for all files. I am just appending the file name to the end of the SFTP string as normal.


The upload count is sporadic, sometimes 30, 35, 40, 41. I cannot tell the reason why. I have messed around with the timeout and maximum connections, and still no luck. 


Very stuck on this one.


