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Updating a scheduled workflow in the Alteryx private gallery

7 - Meteor



I am pretty new to Alteryx gallery concepts. We used the controller to schedule the workflows until last week.

I am wondering if there is good article that supports 'How to update a scheduled workflow in private Alteryx gallery after we do some modification locally and save it?'.


when we use the controller, there is an update workflow option and when we click on that we are able to choose the updated workflow that is been modified locally. There was no need to reschedule the workflow again.


Now with the gallery we are deleting the previous workflows and rescheduling again with the modified workflow. I am sure this is not the way to do.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you so much in advance.


8 - Asteroid

Hi @Sharmila,


Of course! The Alteryx Gallery provides you even more control and governance by providing "Versioning Control" Once you build a workflow in designer and publish it to the gallery, you can then go into designer, select, file -> open workflow -> "your company's gallery" and open the workflow that exist in the gallery. Now when you make any edits to that workflow and hit save, it will  publish that same workflow on the gallery and mark it as "Version 2" You can see this on the gallery page of the workflow underneath the workflow name as "published" and "latest".

7 - Meteor

Is it that simple!!??.. Thank you so much  for quick replay.

8 - Asteroid

@Sharmila ,


Yes, it's that simple! There is a great article published on community going over publishing and version control 101 found here:


Give it a try and let me know how it works! 




7 - Meteor

Hello Peter,


I already have  a workflow scheduled in private gallery. When I am opening in the designer to modify it little bit, its showing me below error.


How can it be resolved and how can I make changes in this workflow only and saved it again in the collections .

I don't want to save the modified workflow and deleting the previous one


