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Updating Salesforce Input Tool with New IDs Using Batch Macro


I have a list of IDs from upstream workflow that I need to pull information from a different Salesforce table. So I concatenate all the IDs into 'AAA','BBB' format. I used batch macro control parameter to update the specific 'CCC' ID within the Salesforce SoQL query: where ID in ('CCC'). I just then directly want the results output. However, it gives me error as below. What is wrong with the batch macro set up?

Also I am not sure if using batch macro is the best way to update the ID list within SF input tool, but I cannot use the dynamic input tool since the company network doesn't allow me to install salesforce connector support. Is there any other way to achieve the same?


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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @kli 

Are you able to upload your workflow with some sample data? It will help if the community can see your action tool setups as well as look into the tool specified in the error message.


Community Moderator

Sorry I didn't have the data to update the post. But I was able to solve the problem. The batch macro was doing the correct right, yet since I had about 2000 IDs to be placed inside of the "where ID IN ('xxx')" clause, the code was simply too long for the Salesforce input tool to handle. I end up separating the IDs into groups of 500 records, and things worked out fine.  
