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Update Value for Union Tool

10 - Fireball



when I update value to a text input my workflow runs fine, however when i attach it to a union tool (in place of the text tool) it does not give me a result.


Any tips for this? If I attach the update value to my text input and set it to te Data parts, it works. 

How can I fix this?






18 - Pollux

When you talk about customizing data - you're talking about customizing the options in the Tree tool so the interface tool reflects your specific fields? There should be a second app where you found this to build the tree. You'd want to feed your data into that app.


Basically results of your union should go to tree build - tree build should launch app 2 - which is what you are trying to edit. Action tool can go to summarize tool in edit xml mode (which it probably was in when you found it.)

10 - Fireball

@apathetichell  yeah i think youre right, my brain is a little bit foggy trying to think this through atm

10 - Fireball