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Union conteiners' output

8 - Asteroid

I have a app with 2 workflows. I disable containers to define which part of workflow should run. In one part of workflow data from container one and two has this same schema so I would like to join them and proceed further with one workflow. So after this union workflow should have this same calculations and output. But when I tried to do it I an getting an error.  




This union does not contain any data, because 1 container was disabled. In this case data should come from first container. 


Is it possible to achieve this?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Andrzej,


This isn't the best solution but probably it will work if you will have one additional input tool as a dummy one. It can have no records inside but the headers should be there. 


For my best knowledge, it should start working. If it will not I hope you will not spend too much time on testing it. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Andrzej 


You'll only get no data if both containers are disabled. You can see this when playing around with the attached example workflow.


I'd suggest playing around with it in a normal workflow first to understand the behaviour when you disable either or both containers.


Once you're happy with the outcome, look to adding it into an app to check if your logic for enabling and disabling the containers works correctly.




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Can you check your union settings.

We use it all the time for online and offline mode.



8 - Asteroid

Hi @Emil_Kos 


This has helped me, thank you for this solution 
