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Unable to set up Iterative Macro

7 - Meteor

I'm trying to set up a simple iterative macro but it's showing error "unknown variable" as the in Macro input the column header is named "Amount" but my Input column has different name

I'm trying to change the name to "money" as used in the Formula Tool through a "Select Tool" but no result 

please help what i am doing wrong here   





17 - Castor

Hi @SamYX 


For the data going into the output flagged as the iterative or loop output, what is the field name? It should be Amount to match your input. The schema needs to be the same for the data being looped back through. 

14 - Magnetar

Rather than trying to change the field name as part of the macro, why not either change the name before it goes into the macro or change the macro input to match the data?

18 - Pollux

set up your macro for field mapping on your macro input tool - you can then select which field to map to the field that you've named amount (or money or whatever) in your macro.


I cannot stress this enough: keep the naming consistent in the macro and keep the same fields you have in your initial datastream in your looped output.
