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Unable to insert Layout in Text tool

7 - Meteor



I'm using the Text tool to draft a custom message and also include dynamic points - like date, subject, links and table. I'm able to paste the table in the Text tool ( as its part of my Available Fields), but when I use the email tool and use the existing 'Text Field' as the Body of my email, the table turns into string which doesn't mean anything. I'm looking for the below in my text tool and then use the Text as the body of my email - 




As of [Report Date:A]  .......... Refer to table below - 




the [Layout:A section should look like this in the email - 



but it comes out as -
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" rowsContained="40" style=""><tbody><tr><td style="text-align:center; vertical.....



If I use Layout as the body it displays the table, but then i cannot create by custom message. 


Would appreciate your help


 - Rosh


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Rosh_2788,


Attached is a workflow that I believe will accomplish what you are trying to do. Just throw the email tool on the end of the layout tool where the browse is.


Please mark this as a solution if this solved your issue to help other users on the community out.



7 - Meteor

Thanks for looking into this Carli!


Another alternative to do this would is to use the Text tool and update an existing field - Layout. The output is no different - you have text on top and table in the bottom or vise versa. What I am looking for is to use the Text tool and insert the table between the body of my email as required -  for eg i want to prepare my text tool as follows - 



abc aaa bbb  ccc


"Insert table" (which will be Layout under Available Fields)


zzz yyy abc"


And then use Text as body of my email. 




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Rosh_2788,


I tried to inset the table in the text tool and also got the html instead of the actual table.


Attached is an alternative if you are still having issues.


Please mark as a solution if this helped to solve your issue!



7 - Meteor

Thanks Carli, 


Looks like a good workaround to have 2 text tools! and then layout it accordingly. Thanks!
