Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Unable to get the filter values from dropdown instead getting the datatypes

5 - Atom

Hi Team,


I'm new to this tool, currently learning about analytics apps. The problem is I have connected with one filter data table I need values from that filter but instead of that values datatype is reflecting. I have upload images also kindly provide an solution



12 - Quasar

There are a few ways that I use to populate the Drop Down tool. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a list of my go-to methods.

1) You can create a list by selecting "Manually set values" from the "List Values" in the Configuration window and then typing in your list of values for your Drop Down. Pro: It's easy. Con: It's not dynamic.

Drop Down Manual.png


2) You can map the tool to an external source (i.e. Excel spreadsheet) that has two columns -- Name and Value. Name is what the user will select from the Drop Down menu, while Value is the value that is passed through the workflow. To do this, select "External Source" from the "List Values" drop down in the Configuration window. Pro: It's easy and dynamic. Con: Someone might alter your external source and that could cause issues with your workflow.

DD External.png

 3) You can also use the output from a preceding tool. This can get tricky, as you'd need to supply field names to the Drop Down tool instead of a list. In this case, the Drop Down tool will use the existing field names from my Text Data Input tool. If I wanted other values for my Drop Down tool that came out of the actual values and not the field names in my input, then I'd have to pivot my data to create field names then output them to the Drop Down tool. Pro: Ready made values for your Drop Down menu, dynamic. Con: If you need to use something other than existing field names for your Drop Down tool, then you need to pivot the data to create it.

DD from Tool.PNG

