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Turning Negative Values to Zero

7 - Meteor



I am trying to turn all of my negative values to zero in the column, please see my equation below:


IF [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] > 0 THEN [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] ELSE 0 ENDIF


I keep getting the error "Parse Error at char (40): Invalid type in operator (expression #1).


I want to say that some figures in this column are negative, some are positive, and some don't have a figure (I would like to keep the blank cells, blank.


Thank you,

13 - Pulsar

Hi @MOlinski 


This part "Parse Error at char (40): Invalid type in operator (expression #1)" is referencing the operator '>'. You are getting the error because the field in question is a string. Use a ToNumber wrapper and you should be good to go. 


IF ToNumber([YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]) > 0 THEN [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] ELSE 0 ENDIF




20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

I prefer:


max(tonumber([your data]),0)





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13 - Pulsar

Hey @MOlinski 


I just realized that you also wanted to maintain empty cells, so slight modification to your formula with incorporating @MarqueeCrew's solution will give you the desired results. 


IF IsEmpty([YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]) THEN [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] ELSE Max(ToNumber([YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]),0) ENDIF
11 - Bolide

You need to convert the column in Number then apply this formula 


IF [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]< 0 THEN 0 ELSE [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] ENDIF



14 - Magnetar

This assumes that you're trying to update the existing field [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] and that the field is set to one of the STRING field types:


IF ISEMPTY(TRIM([YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]))
THEN [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]
ELSIF TONUMBER([YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date] > 0
THEN [YTD Accr Calc after Taken to Date]

