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Tile tool- Equal Records Method- How to dynamically update Number of Tiles?

7 - Meteor

Hi guys, good morning.


Looking for some advices here. I am using the Equal records tile method to group my dataset. Perfect! However, the number of tiles in this process changes every once in a while.


So, instead of having to manually change this value in the tool, is there a way that I can dynamically update this value using i.e. the count of records tool which contain the number of tiles that I would like to group my dataset every time I am running the process. 


Really simple example attached.


Hope this makes sense.

Thank you so much for your help.


13 - Pulsar

Hi @gcosta 


Turn it into a macro and feed the number of tiles you need in to it as a control parameter:





17 - Castor

Great suggestion from @DavidSkaife! Only thing I'd add is, especially if this is going to be applied to a large data set, you may just want to use a Summarize tool with a count (or count Distinct depending on requirement) rather than Count Records as the latter is also a macro itself and will lead to decreased performance at scale.

7 - Meteor

Thank you so much @DavidSkaife. That makes a lot of sense.

Yes, I agree with you, @DataNath  I will make sure to change that in the workflow  as well.


 Thank you again!!


7 - Meteor

@DavidSkaife, could you please share your workflow? 

13 - Pulsar


Edit: d'oh i attached the wrong one....sorry! Here is the right one


