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The same string does not match

7 - Meteor


I have 2 columns with postcodes, that have V_WString type. When I compare them by formula below, part of them shows as don't match, but looks totaly the same (for example, '75321' and '75321' it recognizes as different). I did Trim on both columns in the previous step before the formula.

IF [recp_pstl_cd]=[Delivery/Receiver Postal Code] THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF


What can be the reason? 

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @svergtanya,


Could you share a workflow where the issue occurs? I've tried mocking it up but my check works?




I've attached my workflow for you to download if needed.


Kind regards,



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Are you able to share the offending row of data?


Try copying and pasting the values into a text editor / the Formula Tool editor as this can sometimes show up invisible control characters.

Try applying the formula, 


to each column.

Try setting both columns to string type (not V_WString)


See if any of that works. Sharing the row of data would be the best thing though.


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Any chances, these two columns are having different data type, one is string, and other one is numerical?

7 - Meteor

Thank you everyone for the help and the recommendstions. 
I have found that the issue was with the logic. 
The model is toooo complex and long and I didn't notice, that I have created flag for string comparison before data cleaning and transformation and it impacted the results. 

Sorry for the misleading and thanks everyone for the help!
